about me

Hello! I am a journalist (with an emphasis on data) from St. Louis, based in Washington, D.C.

I study journalism and data science at American University in D.C. I am an investigative reporter for The Eagle, the school’s student newspaper, where I also covered local news and student government.

This website, I hope, will be my personal “morgue” for my projects, no matter what language they’re written in (chiefly English and Python).

Below, you’ll see places I’ve written on staff and projects I’ve done on my own. Please use the data and code below if they will help you; all I ask is that you credit me.


currently writing for The Eagle, American University

doe-discrimination-complaints.csv: A list of federal discrimination complaints filed against colleges and universities in the U.S. (GitHub repo)

AU Athletics Rosters: Converted AU Athletics rosters into CSVs for sports reporters to perform analyses. (GitHub repo)

It’s a little empty at the moment! I’m hard at work. Please check back soon.

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